School of Science
Erasmus+ is a program of the European Commission for education, training, youth and sport, aiming at both enhancing the skills and modernizing the education and training systems ( The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.
The Erasmus+ studies program encourages and promotes the mobility of undergraduate and postgraduate students of European Universities for studying for a period of time in any other European University that participates in the Erasmus + program. Outgoing or incoming mobility within the frame of the Erasmus+ studies program, and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and other related European universities, requires the existence of the so-called Bilateral Agreements between Departments of the Universities involved. The list of bilateral agreements, and positions available in each agreement, concerning the Department of Biology is presented below:
Country | University | University Code | Professor Responsible | No. of Students | Total Months |
Austria | Universitat fur Bodenkulrur Wien (BOKU) | A WIEN 03 | G. Diallinas | 3 | 18 |
Spain | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | E CIUDA-R 01 | Α. Parmakelis | 4 | 24 |
Italy | Universita degli studi di Parma | I PARMA 01 | G. Diallinas | 3 | 18 |
Cyprus | University of Cyprus, Nicosia | CY NICOSIA 01 | V. Ikonomidou | 3 | 18 |
Poland | Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II | PL LUBLIN 02 | V. Ikonomidou | 1 | 5 |
Portugal | Universidade do Minho | P BRAGA 01 | G. Diallinas | 2 | 12 |
The selection criteria for NKUA outgoing students can be found here.
Outgoing students of NKUA are eligible for a mobility corresponding to single semester of 5-6 months, corresponding to courses of approximate 30 ECTs. Incoming students to NKUA from other European Universities are eligible for a mobility of 1 or 2 semesters of 6-12 months, depending on the rules of their University (unusually corresponding to 20-60 ECTs).
Outgoing and incoming students of the Department of Biology interested in Erasmus+ should visit the websites of the relative Universities and gain information about the curriculum of studies available for Erasmus+ students, the language the courses are taught in at the University of interest, as well as further practical issues concerning their studies. Subsequently they should procced in submitting the appropriate Application Form, following the instructions of the announcements uploaded on the Departmental Secretariat or the Erasmus office sites. For the Department of Biology in NKUA these are: &, respectively.
Outgoing and incoming students of the Department of Biology interested Erasmus+ are also encouraged to contact the Departmental Erasmus+ Responsibles: Ass. Prof. Ioanna-Katerina Aggeli (ikaggeli[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr - Tel: +30 210 727 4849) or Ass. Prof. Charalampos N. Alexopoulos (halexo[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr - Tel: +30 210 727 4548) for further instructions concerning the courses to be selected during mobility.
![]() | Besides the ‘standard’ Erasmus+ studies program, undergraduate and postgraduate students of European Universities can be mobilised for studying for a period of time in European Universities that participate in CIVIS, a new European Civic University ( CIVIS actually involves the 10 European universities, within the context of the Erasmus + program. | |
1. Aix-Marseille Université, France 2. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 3. Universitatea din București, Romania 4. Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 5. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain 6. Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy 7. Stockholm University, Sweden 8. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany 9. University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK 10. Paris Lodron Universität, Salzburg, Austria |
CIVIS Universities bring together a community of more than 384,000 students and 55,000 staff members including 30,000 academics and researchers.
CIVIS Universities have as a goal the creation a single university space, where students, academics, researchers and administrative staff will move, collaborate and intertwine relationships to implement educational and research activities. CIVIS thus creates a flexible European University aiming at being a vector for change and innovation in Europe. The research excellence within the CIVIS alliance will be a key asset for building common research-based training and other innovative activities.
Outgoing or incoming students of the Department of Biology interested Erasmus+ mobility via the CIVIS frame can move to and from the aforementioned 9 Universities without the need of bilateral agreements between individual Departments.
Interested students should visit the websites of the relative Universities and obtain information about the curriculum of studies available for Erasmus+ students, the language the courses are taught in at the University of interest, as well as further practical issues concerning their studies. Subsequently they should procced in submitting the appropriate Application Form, following the instructions of the announcements uploaded on Erasmus office sites related to CIVIS.
For NKUA please contact, Mrs. Fotini Fryda (ffryda[at]uoa[dot]gr, tel +30210-3689713), Erasmus[at]uoa[dot]gr
The selection criteria for NKUA outgoing students via CIVIS are similar to those of the standard Erasmus+ for studies and can be found here.
NKUA, in the context of the ERASMUS+ program, collaborates with more than 300 Universities in Europe. Bilateral agreements have been arranged in specific fields of study that include student mobility for all three cycles of studies (undergraduate and postgraduate students). NKUA has so far accepted more than 5,000 ERASMUS+ students from all European countries. Participation of students in the Erasmus+ program requires:
- Disclosure of the incoming student’s information by the respective ERASMUS offices of the European Universities (nomination)
- Submission of an electronic application to the Erasmus office
- Conclusion and signing of a study agreement
Most courses in the Departments of the NKUA are taught in Greek (B2 level needed)
However, in the Department of Biology, for most courses (mostly those referred as elective courses from the 3rd or 4th year - semesters 5-8), incoming Erasmus students can be given a syllabus in English and be examined in English. For more information on courses available to Greek-non-speaking students, Erasmus incoming students should contact the Departmental Erasmus Program responsibles and CIVIS/Erasmus evaluation Erasmus committee members: Ass. Profs. Charalambos Alexopoulos (halexo[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr, +30 210 727 4548) or Ioanna-Katerina Aggeli (ikaggeli[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr, +30 210 727 4948).
For courses available please see:
For an indicative calendar of studies please see:
For incoming students interested in learning or improving their Greek language skills, the Modern Greek language teaching centre offers incoming ERASMUS+ students Greek language courses, the successful completion of which is awarded with 6 ECTS.
The Department of European and International Relations ( provides incoming students with daily information and support in order to facilitate their integration and inclusion in our academic community.
At the beginning of each semester, a welcome ceremony (Orientation Day) is held for the new ERASMUS+ students, during which a general presentation of the University takes place, and students are provided with information leaflets and certificates necessary for their enrolment in the NKUA departments.
Ιn the Department of Biology internships have to be scheduled to take place from September till June. There are no exclusive summer internships (July-August)
The Erasmus+ Traineeships program encourages and supports the mobility of undergraduate and postgraduate students, including PhD candidates, for spending a period of practical training at Universities, Research Centres, Enterprises and Organizations in European countries which participate in the program (all E.U. countries, Turkey, North Macedonia, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).
The NKUA supports outgoing Erasmus+ Traineeships of 2-4 months, but accepts incoming students for 4-12 months. For the mobility for practical training a bilateral agreement between Universities or Institutions is not required, unlike the mobility requirements for studies. Notice that Switzerland does not participate in the Erasmus+ Traineeships program.
Finding a host institution for practical training is a responsibility of the students who wish to participate in the Erasmus+ Traineeships program. Students interested in practical training are required to obtain and provide a Letter of Acceptance for the host organization along with their other required documents. In most cases Erasmus+ Traineeships will also require very good knowledge of English or the language the traineeship will require (> C1 level).
Further information concerning the requirements for participation in Erasmus+ studies/Traineeships programs, selection criteria, the registration procedure at the host universities and other topics, can be found on the website of the Direction of Public Relations and History of NKUA:
The selection criteria for outgoing students of the Department of Biology can be found in
Outgoing students of the Department of Biology interested Erasmus+ Traineeships may also contact Prof. George Diallinas (Departmental Erasmus+ Responsible, diallina[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr, +30210-7274649) for further help and instructions.
Further information concerning the requirements for participation in Erasmus+ studies/Traineeships programs, selection criteria, the registration procedure at the host universities and other topics, can be found on the website of the Direction of Public Relations and History of NKUA:
Erasmus+/CIVIS, Department of Biology Responsibles:
Ioanna-Katerina Aggeli
Assistant Professor of Animal Physiology
Email: ikaggeli[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr, Tel: +30 210 727 4948).
Charalambos Alexopoulos
Assistant Professor of Animal Cell Biology
Email: halexo[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr, Tel: +30 210 727 4548