Homepage » Sections » Section of Ecology & Systematics » Gonou Zacharoula

Zacharoula Gonou - Zagou Section of Ecology & Systematics
Assistant Professor of Fungi Systematics & Ecology Office: 5 (VIIIa+4)
  E-mail: zgonou[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4324 - Fax: [30] 210 727 4885


  • Biodiversity of macromycetes (basidiomycetes and ascomycetes) from various ecosystems in Greece (systematics, ecology, pure cultures).
  • Assessment and conservation of biodiversity of Greek macromycetes.
  • Systematics and ecology of different groups of fungi from various habitats and substrates (wood decomposing fungi, mycetophilous fungi, postfire fungi, soil fungi, airborn fungi).
  • Fungal biotic interactions (mycorrhizae, parasitism).
  • Investigation for the production and purification of metabolites from fungal strains (of macromycetes and mycetophilous fungi).
  • Exploitation of fungi for biotechnological applications in medicine, environment, agriculture (bioactive compounds, biodegradation, bioremediation).
  • Development of the Mycetotheca of the University of Athens (ATHUM Culture Collection and Mycological Herbarium) and its enrichment with new strains and specimens from Greek habitats and substrates.