Homepage » Organisation & Administration » Department Assembly


The Department Assembly is the Department's executive authority. It consists of the Section Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Heads of Sections, the representatives of all levels of Teaching Staff Members from each Department, the representatives of the Deparment's Laboratory Teaching Staff and the Specialized Technical Laboratory Staff an undergraduate and a graduate student representatives.

For the present Academic Year members of the Department Assembly are:



Aristeidis Parmakelis Office: 41 (ΙΧ+4)
Associate Professor of Biodiversity & Population Ecology Personal Webpage
  E-mail: aparmakel[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4736




Dimitris Hatzinikolaou Office: 44 (V+4)
Associate Professor of Microbial Biotechnology Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: dhatzini[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4140



Spiros Efthimiopoulos Office: 44 (VIIIb+51)
Head of the Section of Animal and Human Physiology Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: efthis[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4890

Andreas Scorilas Office: 2 (V+8)
Head of the Section of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: ascorilas[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4306

Kosmas Haralampidis Office: 17 (VΙ+4)
Associate Professor of Molecular Plant Development Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: kharalamp[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4131

Vassiliki A. Iconomidou
Office: 55 (New Wing)
Head of the Section of Cell Biology & Biophysics Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: veconom[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4871


Theophanis Constantinidis Office: 39 (ΙΧ+4)
Head of the Section of Ecology & Systematics Personal Website - Google Scholar

E-mail: constgr[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4258

Panagoula Kollia Office: 17 (VΙ+8) - Τηλ: 210 727 4401
Head of the Section of Genetics & Biotechnology Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: pankollia[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4041

Panayiotis Pafilis Office: 12 (VI+12)
Head of the Section of Zoology - Marine Biology Personal Website - Google Scholar

E-mail: ppafil[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4544



Section of Cell Biology & Biophysics


Ioannis P. Trougakos Office: 32 (Χ+8)
Professor of Animal Cell Biology Personal Website - Google Scholar
and Electron Microscopy E-mail: itrougakos[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4555


Dimitrios J. Stravopodis Office: 35 (Χ+8)
Associate Professor of Cell Biology & Development Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: dstravop[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4105


Marianna H. Antonelou Office: 61 (Ν.Πτ.)
Associate Professor of Cell Biology Personal Website
  E-mail: manton[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4873

Haris N. Alexopoulos Office: 45 (Χ+8)
Assistant Professor of Animal Cell Biology Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: halexo[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4548


Section of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Constantinos E. Vorgias Office: 9 (V+8)
Professor of Biochemistry Personal Website
  E-mail: cvorgias[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4514

Diamantis C. Sideris Office: 3 (V+8)
Professor in Biochemistry of Eukaryotic Organisms Personal Website
  E-mail: dsideris[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4515

Dido Vassilacopoulou Office: 6 (V+8)
Associate Professor in Biochemistry of Eukaryotic Organisms Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: didovass[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4506




Christos Kontos  
Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology Office: 17 (VΙΙΙΑ)
  E-mail: chkontos[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests -  CV Tel: [30] 210 727 4616

Jerome Zoidakis Office: 15 (VΙII A+8)
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry - Molecular Biology Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: izoidakis[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - CV Tel: [30] 210 727 4362


Section of Botany


George Diallinas Office: 42 (V+4)
Head of the Section of Botany Personal Website
  E-mail: diallina[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4649

Andreas Roussis Office: 3 (VI+4)
Associate Professor of Molecular Plant Physiology Personal Website
  E-mail: aroussis[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4694




Ioannis - Dimosthenis Adamakis  
Assistant Professor of Plant Biology Office: 6 (VΙ+4)
with emphasis on Structure E-mail: iadamaki[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4653

Despina Samakovli Office: ... (... ...)
Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: dsamakovli[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4356


Section of Genetics & Biotechnology


Katherine - Maria Pappas Office: 18 (VΙ+8)
Associate Professor in Genetics - Personal Website - Google Scholar
Molecular Microbial Genetics E-mail: kmpappas[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4340

Vassili N. Kouvelis Office: 14 (VI+8) - Lab. Tel: [30] 210 727 4094
Associate Professor of Genetics & Biotechnology Personal Webpage
  E-mail: kouvelis[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4488

Andreas E. Agathangelidis Office: 3 (VI+8)
Assistant Professor of Genetics - Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes E-mail: agathan[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4629


Section of Zoology - Marine Biology


Persefoni Megalofonou Office: 30 (VI+12)
Professor of Ichthyology Personal Website
  E-mail: pmegalo[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4620

Skarlatos G. Dedos Office: 14 (VI+12)
Associate Professor of Zoology Personal Website - Google Scholar

E-mail: sdedos[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4705




Dionysios E. Raitsos Office: 12 (VI+12)
Associate Professor of Marine Biology Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: draitsos[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests -  Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4764


Section of Ecology & Systematics


Kostas A. Triantis
Office: ...
Associate Professor of Biodiversity of Ecosystems Personal Website
  E-mail: ktriantis[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 ...

Zacharoula Gonou - Zagou Office: 5 (VIIIa+4)
Assistant Professor of Systematics & Ecology of Fungi Personal Website - Google Scholar
  E-mail: zgonou[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4324

Savvas Μ. Genitsaris Office: 15 (VIIIb+4)
Assistant Professor of Structure & Functioning Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
of Aquatic Ecosystem Communities E-mail: genitsar[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4249

Nikolaos Fyllas Office: 31 (VΙΙΙΒ+4)
Assistant Professor of Terrestrial Ecology Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: nfyllas[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4416


Section of Animal & Human Physiology


Ourania E. Tsitsilonis Office: 51 (VIIIb+12)
Professor of Immunology Personal Website
  E-mail: rtsitsil[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4215

Efstratios Valakos Office: 69 (IX+12)
Professor of Comparative Animal Physiology - Personal Website - Google Scholar
Ecophysiology E-mail: evalakos[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4376

Panagiota Papazafiri Office: 47 (VIIIb+12)
Associate Professor of Animal Physiology Personal Website
  E-mail: ppapaz[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4665

Ioanna-Katerina Aggeli Office: 60 (IX+12)
Assistant Professor of Animal Physiology Personal Webpage
  E-mail: ikaggeli[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4948

Maria-Eleni Chovalopoulou Office: ... (...+...)
Assistant Professor of Physical Anthropology Personal Webpage - Google Scholar
  E-mail: marilenachov[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Research Interests - Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4415




Dr. Μartha Georgiou Section of Cell Biology & Biophysics
Regular Member Office: 45 (Χ+48)
  E-mail: martgeor[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Curriculum Vitae - CV - Google Scholar Tel: [30] 210 727 4612

Dr. Efstathios Katsifas Section of Botany
Deputy  Member Office: 34 (V+4)
  E-mail: skatsi[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4704



Elena Pappa Section of Genetics & Biotechnology
Regular Member Office: ...
  E-mail: elepappa[at]biol.uoa[dot]gr
Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 4350

Deputy Member Office:
Curriculum Vitae Tel: [30] 210 727 ...






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